Discover local
dropshipping suppliers
for your online store

ā˜˜ļø Transition to sustainable products made easy.

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Fast shipping
Very fast delivery
Sustainable products
Sustainable products
Local suppliers
Local suppliers
Quality products
Best-quality products
Synchronisation app
Up-to-date inventory

Compatible with your favorite tools

Shopify logoDropizi logoEtsy logoPaypal logoStripe logo

Find unique products for your online store

  • 250.000+ products available on our marketplace
  • Import products from Etsy with our Chrome extension
  • Selection of up-to-date Winning products
  • Real-time product analytics with detailed sales reports
  • Artificial Intelligence products suggestion
Try for free
Quality products dropshipping
Import products from Etsy dropshipping

Import products from Etsy with our Chrome extension

  • 80M+ products available on Etsy
  • Import unlimited products from Etsy creators
  • Connect with trusted Etsy sellers for quality assurance
  • Competitive pricing and favorable dropshipping terms boost margins
  • Choose creators close to your customers for fast delivery
See chrome extension
Sustainable 01supply

Sustainability is key
We believe the future of e-commerce is green

Handmade 01supply

Unique creators
Handmade products made with care and skill

Local 01supply

Local production
Home to over 10.000+ creative businesses

Synchronisation with Shopify Dropizi and Wizishop

Connect your online store in seconds

  • Bulk import products to your store inventory in one click
  • Get a real-time product quantity synchronization
  • Receive instant notification when a product is edited
    (price changing, product out-of-stock,...)
  • Save 10+ hours in inventory management each week
Try for free

Automate your dropshipping business with ease

  • Fulfill orders easily thanks to 01supply synchronization
  • Your supplier automatically receives your order details
  • Pay your suppliers in one click in a secure and fast way
  • Talk with your supplier directly on 01supply or on Etsy
  • Order tracking is automatically sent to your order customer
Try for free
Automation features 01supply
Eco friendly forest

We believe e-commerce is changing
towards Sustainable and Eco-friendly consumption.

Therefore, 01supply focuses on helping online resellers transition to quality and sustainable products from local suppliers.

in online searches for sustainable & eco-friendly products.
of online shoppers prefer sustainable shopping.
faster growth in eco-friendly niche compared to other niches.
of online shoppers are ready to pay more for sustainable products.
Get Started for Free now
Artisans, handmade creators

Every supplier has a story to tell

Europe & USA are full of local creators making their own products with handmade and quality knowledge. Unfortunately most of them canā€™t make a living out of what they love.

Therefore, we came up with 01supply to help online resellers find their own product creators and use their products on their online store.

I want to find products from local suppliers

Speed up Your Dropshipping business with 01supply

EU / USA dropshipping suppliers

USAĀ /Ā EUĀ suppliers

Reliable USA/EU suppliers with unique products and fast shipping directly to your customer.

Etsy suppliers

Etsy catalog

Choose from millions of products within the Etsy catalog catalog extension thanks to our chrome extension.

No transaction fees

No transaction fees

Start using 01supply for free with no transaction fees and no credit card needed, or any registration fees.

Their experience with us


This service offers the opportunity to finally offer quality products from a local production on your e-commerce.

The team is very present and very reactive to any problem. I highly recommend it!


I highly recommend it! Great concept.

I really love the products offered, handmade, and a large selection.


Awesome idea.I have been able to upload more than 150 new handmade EU products to my Shopify store.
My customers are loving it.

Music Awakening store

Very satisfied with this Shopify app.
Good onboarding

I recommend you try it yourself!


Great app, easy to use.I could find a lot of nice products for my online store.


Iā€™ve been using this app on several stores, it works really great, I could find a lot of great products.

I highly recommend it.

Hephaistos Fabrique


Easy to use, pricing is fair and the free plan is perfect to understand how the app works.


Very easy to use and very helpful in terms of getting products from Etsy and importing them directly to your shopify store!

I would definitely recommend

You have questions ?

Contact us

What is the 01supply pricing?

You can find the 01supply pricing plan here.

Can I work with multiple suppliers at the same time?

Yes, the purpose of 01supply is to help you work with hundreds of different suppliers at the same time with ease.

How do I order on 01supply?

You can place an order manually or pay an order that was synchronized with your online store order.

Can I test products before I sell them in my store?

Yes, you can order products before selling them in your store.

How do I know if a supplier is trustworthy?

At 01supply, we make sure every supplier has a good reputation and is creating great products. Of course, we recommend you talk with your supplier before working with him.

How does 01supply connect with my store?

We connect with Shopify stores thanks to our Shopify app. You can also connect yourĀ Dropizi or Wizishop store through your settings.Ā If you donā€™t have a Wizishop, Dropizi or Shopify store, you can still use 01supply manually.

Do I need to purchase products ahead of time?

No, you donā€™t need to purchase products upfront. You can order products when you receive orders from your customer.

Can I try 01supply for free?

Yes, you can try 01supply for free up to 9 products with the free plan.